Thursday, April 7, 2011

Autodesk WikiHelp

Autodesk has recently unveiled a new website called Autodesk WikiHelp. As with any wiki site it in almost purely user supported with content, although Autodesk has started it out already with many sections full of content. This seems like a really great idea and the process to submit information is relatively painless. When you find a page you would like to add information to click "Edit Page" then type what you would like to, save, agree to their terms, and then wait for it to be approved (approximately one day the times I have submitted).

There are a few drawbacks I found, one is the log in...I am not sure if perhaps I did it wrong, but it seems to me that I now have an Autodesk login, Autodesk Student Community login, Autodesk AU login, and others....sure would be nice to just have one login and one profile. The other drawback I see is actually getting people to submit on it, right now there are many forums and blogs out there on Autodesk, Revit, BIM, etc...this is just one more site in the array of resources.

All in all this is a really cool website, one of my favorites is their video of Revit 4 which takes me back to when I first started Revit and makes me appreciate the new UI and all the other great additions they have done to Revit since....

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